Relentless Pursuit
of Your Money is our Business®
Experience That Speaks For Itself

With more than 70 years of combined commercial litigation experience, Warner & Scheuerman has collected tens of millions of dollars in judgments, legal fees, and other debts. We are a lawyers’ law firm, and we understand your needs.

New York Judgment Collection Lawyers

Collecting and enforcing substantial money judgments can often be difficult and time-consuming. In fact, 75% of judgments go uncollected. By combining sophisticated legal strategy with the aggressive techniques of our on-staff investigative team, Warner & Scheuerman has the proven experience to collect on your judgments, commissions, fees, and debts.
The Relentless Pursuit of Your Money is Our Business ®

We are highly knowledgeable in the ways debtors seek to shield and transfer their assets, and we are adept at breaking down barriers to recovery. We analyze and synthesize information from diverse public and private sources, financial records, media, and proprietary databases, and we work closely with the offices of Marshals and Sheriffs. We craft and painstakingly execute a customized plan of attack to locate and collect what our clients are owed, whether they are law firms, individuals, corporations, or institutions.

Notable Case Results

- $10MM+
$10MM+ in mortgages vacated/dismissed for real estate entrepreneur
- $2.6MM+
$2.6MM+ recovered for financial services firm against former partner in clawback
- $2.4MM
$2.4MM collected for bedding manufacturer against Macy's in breach of contract action

For more than a decade, Warner & Scheuerman has doggedly pursued judgment debtors on our behalf. In cases that appeared hopeless, they have uncovered millions of dollars in hidden assets. Their trial skills have been crucial in sustaining judgments that judgment debtors have sought to vacate. Warner & Scheuerman is highly skilled in the art of negotiating with a judgment debtor threatening bankruptcy so as to maximize recovery. They can also handle the matter if the judgment debtor does file for bankruptcy. Our FLSA clients, mostly workers for restaurants, dry cleaners, construction companies, and other businesses, deprived of their lawful wages, have obtained substantial “justice” with the help of Warner & Scheuerman. I have been recommending them for years and am proud to do so!
After a painstakingly thorough investigation, which left no stone unturned, Warner & Scheuerman found more than half a million dollars hidden in a jointly owned brokerage account. Over the course of two years, the firm successfully showed that the account belonged to the judgment debtor and not its nominal owner. They utilized turnover proceedings, multiple depositions, and superbly briefed motion practice to obtain a substantial recovery for our clients against big-firm opposition. We use Warner & Scheuerman consistently for our judgment collections. Their responsiveness to our phone calls and emails is virtually immediate. We cannot recommend them highly enough.